Veteran and Educator Takes to the Skies with 澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态 Aviation Degree


乔治·布雷迪 receives diploma from 澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态 President Dr. Vicki Karolewics报道 the 2024 graduation ceremony at 澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态 社区 College.

Hanceville, AL — 乔治·布雷迪 is a 70-year-old retired veteran from Ensley who has lived a life marked by a dedication to service and a passion for educating others. Since he was a young man, Brady has been intrigued by airplanes and always wanted 为了获得他的飞行员执照. After a distinguished military career and over a decade 作为一名教育工作者,布雷迪选择了航空/飞行技术专业 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院的项目,证明学习永远不会太迟 你的梦想. During the college's Spring Commencement Ceremony, he graduated with an Associate of Applied Science degree in Commercial Airplane.

“我选择研究澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立大学的项目,因为他们有一个很棒的项目 给了我想要的一切. 我决定攻读完整学位是因为 我年纪大了,尽管我在年初拿到了私人飞行员执照 我想跑完全程9码,尽可能多地接受训练。 Brady. “当我第一次开始探索时,澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立大学的每个人都很热情,很有吸引力 the program, and they helped explain all the options made available to me. From the start, I just knew that it would be a great experience.”

在他职业生涯的大部分时间里,布雷迪在美国陆军和阿拉巴马陆军服役 National Guard until he retired in 1999 at the age of 46. 在袭击之后 9月11日,世界贸易中心. 2001年11月11日,他被列入退休人员召回名单.

“9/11之后,我被召回,2004年去了阿富汗,然后又去了一次 2010. 我每次都在那里待了一年。. “我已经有了学位, so when the military started sending me information about the Post-9/11 GI Bill, I 一开始有点不接受,但后来他们给我写了一封信,告诉我可以用它 对航空. I had accumulated 24 months' worth of academic credit hours by that time, so like a lot of my fellow veterans, I used my Post-9/11 GI Bill to go back 去学校学习航空.”

Before enrolling in the Aviation/Flight Technology program at 澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态, Brady 他继续深造,获得了三个学位,并计划在大学任教 作为兼职教授.

他在该大学获得数学学士学位,辅修历史 阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校. Years later, while stationed in Montgomery, he earned 拥有英语和社会学双重学位的文科硕士学位 来自蒙哥马利奥本大学. 在他从美国退休之后 在陆军,布雷迪获得了博士学位.D. in Curriculum and Teaching Social Sciences via the School 奥本大学的教育学博士,但当他完成论文时,他是 notified that he would be recalled and deployed to Afghanistan.

“It took me a bit longer than I expected to write my dissertation, and when I was 结束我在奥本大学的学业时,我收到了要被召回的通知. I was able to finish right before I was deployed to Afghanistan,” said Brady. “I came 我回家休息了一会儿,找了一些教书的工作,直到我再次被召回. Following my second return home, I began teaching online courses.”

After his two recall deployments to Afghanistan, Brady devoted himself to being an educator. During his teaching career, Brady taught mathematics, history and sociology 在三所不同的学院和大学.

Brady worked 作为兼职教授 of mathematics at Virginia College from 2006 to 2009. During this time, he also taught history at UAB from 2007 to 2010. Starting 2009年和2010年第二次被召回后,他在华盛顿大学教授历史和社会学 直到2018年,他才将目光投向了澳门威尼斯人APP下载大学 国家航空计划.

布雷迪说,澳门威尼斯人APP下载国家航空/飞行技术项目奠定了坚实的基础 对于他成为一名飞行员所需要的一切,保证他不仅获得适当的 教学训练,但他也有足够的实际飞行小时下 his belt.

“I would have to say my favorite aspect of 澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态 was the excellent flight 我所接受的指导和培训. 有了所有的实践课程,这个项目 为学生进入这个领域做准备. 作为学生,这是一个很好的起点 飞行员可以获得所有三种形式的航空执照,包括他们的私人,商业 和工具评级,”布雷迪说. “我认为这很好地为我奠定了基础,尤其是如果我 想进一步发展商业航空.” 

Brady said he enjoyed every moment he was seated in the cockpit, but his favorite 旅行是获得商业飞行员证书所需的长途越野飞行.

“In the Aviation program, you must complete cross-country, solo, and dual flights, as there are a certain number of flight hours required for different licenses. Some 有些旅行是和教练一起进行的,但当你进入商业领域时,大部分都是 独自一人. Some flights are short, and some are longer, with a minimum of 50 miles 对他们中的大多数人来说,都是从机场出来的。. “长途跨县飞行需要 至少300英里,这当然是我最喜欢的项目之一.”

The one trip that sticks out most in Brady's mind was a long cross-country flight he took from the Cullman Regional Airport in Vinemont to Arkansas.

“对于他们的越野飞行,很多人喜欢飞到墨西哥湾沿岸,但是 当我计划前往那里时,我们遇到了严重的风暴,我感到很不舒服 making the trip, as storms and small planes don't really mix,” said Brady. “相反, I ended up going on one of my favorite trips which was a long cross-country flight 派恩布拉夫,阿肯色州. I loved getting to fly over the Mississippi River and see the 三角洲地区,一个人呆在那里很平静,我可以 看到的一切. I know a lot of people love to fly over the big cities, but I have 我更喜欢乡下. 我看到了雨和暴风雨 distance, and it was just so beautiful,” said Brady.

Brady said he enjoyed learning from the Aviation/Flight Technology instructors and 他们勤奋的教学方法影响了他.

“我在澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立大学航空项目的所有教官都非常非常好, 我真的很喜欢向他们学习. 教师和工作人员 都很有帮助,澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立大学的航空项目在教学方面做得很好 学生学习飞行的基本知识,”布雷迪说.

Bert Mackentepe,澳门威尼斯人APP下载航空/飞行技术项目系主任 他说,布雷迪的突出之处不仅在于他渴望在学业上取得优异成绩,而且在于 他是如何与项目中的同伴互动的.

乔治·布雷迪 shakes hands with classmate at 2024 graduation ceremony

“当谈到接受新的机会时,他是开放的,可以做到这一点 任何他决定做的事. He went through our program from start to finish and got 他的私人,仪器和商业评级. 他是一名优秀的飞行员,他总是 prepared, knew what he  needed to do and took instructions very well. 他们不只是 give away pilot certificates, you have to earn them, and he certainly put a lot of work and effort into all he did here,” said Mackentepe.

“他很谦虚,很快乐,能让他通过航空学院真的很开心 program. In fact, he was a mentor to some of the younger students. 很多时候, 我们没有看到很多老年人对学习飞行感兴趣,所以他采取了行动 as a beacon to people that did want to come in and learn. 他是一个非常独特的人, 但我相信如果世界上有更多像乔治这样的人,就会更少 问题,”麦肯特佩说.

除了所需的飞行时间和他与教官的联系 和航空/飞行技术项目的同学们一起学习,布雷迪说他很享受 to spend time in classes on 澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态’s Hanceville campus.

“For me, it is hard to pick a favorite course during my time at 澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态 as I 我真的很喜欢这一切,但就我最喜欢的非航空课程而言,我最喜欢 my time in a Speech class called Fundamentals of Oral Communication. 中途 这学期,由于新冠肺炎,我们不得不停止面对面的学习,课程缩短了, 但我还是很喜欢. The instructor, Gayle Ledbetter-Crocker, was a great teacher. 她很好,很有活力,是我想成为的那种教练。 Brady.

在驾驶飞机、学习新事物和教人之外,布雷迪喜欢拍摄 在房子周围的各种项目上.

“在我的空闲时间,我喜欢建造东西. 我的妻子,黛博拉·简,和我住在 我们自己建了很多房子. 不久前,我们建了一个户外 亭子围起来. In fact, I was bringing in an air conditioner to install 今天早些时候在我们的新馆里,”布雷迪说. “除了空气人,我们也是水人, so Deb and I also have a sailboat at Lake Guntersville and really love to sail. My wife has been a huge help in my life and has helped me do all these things.” 

现在他已经获得了学位,布雷迪仍然定期坐飞机继续练习 保持飞行员的状态. He encourages anyone that is interested in pursuing their 梦想要迈出第一步,不要回头. 

乔治·布雷迪在澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院2024年春季毕业典礼上走过舞台.“去做吧,因为你真的能做到。. 我从军队退役时46岁, 我得找点别的事做,否则我就开车送我妻子去了 crazy. I decided to teach once I retired, and that's why I finished my master's and Ph.D., but while I had planned to teach all along, I believe you can even change your 就像我对航空所做的那样. 在某些情况下,这可能非常容易。 Brady.“人们每天都这样做. I watched five of my good friends retire at the same time as me – some younger, some my age and some older – who went forth and did the 他们下定决心要做的事情. 我说去做吧,因为我真的相信这一点 你可以做到的.” 



澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院.他是阿拉巴马社区学院的成员 是一所综合性社区学院,位于阿拉巴马州中北部 than 200 options in academic, health and technical programs of study leading to an 副学士学位,证书或转学,以及劳动力学分培训和 成人教育. An Achieving the Dream Leader College, nationally-recognized by the 根据学生成绩,阿斯彭学院跻身顶尖院校之列 南方商务发展学院跻身南方人力资源机构前三名 由全国护理联盟和美国护士协会命名的卓越中心 被国家安全局评为阿拉巴马州最佳在线社区学院, 一个军事友好机构和全施坦威学校,澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立大学是一个杰出的 place for students to pursue their education and career goals. 提供课程 online and on campus, day, evening and on weekends, with numerous start dates each year. Visit 澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态’s beautiful main campus located on 300-acres in Hanceville, Ala.我们在阿拉巴马州奥尼昂塔市中心的卫星位置.,在WWW上找到我们, 或者拨打256.352.8000.


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  • 256-352-8233

